Ah, another year passes and a new one unfolds right before our very eyes! We may all be a bit groggy from a Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer from the night before and or too much New Year's cheer.
Some of us may have made resolutions that become a distant memory by mid month, but if you wait until mid month to make your resolutions, you just might be more likely to keep them.
I must admit that it will be hard to feel too much forward motion at the beginning of the month because Mercury, Mars, and Saturn are all retrograde. This means that the energy of these planets must wander inward before manifesting anything outwardly hence many situations can feel as if they are stuck in the mud or at least in slow mo.
The trick is to not waste too much energy pushing the river just because we have a New Year.. Winter time is always a time of contraction, of sorting out your life and options so no rush. Allow your options to be viewed like a tasty smorgasbord and if possible sample but don't get too attached to anything just yet.
If you have been in a funk or feeling kind of grumpy for the past month or so you are not alone. It's not even seasonal depression but a rather funky square aspect between Saturn and Pluto and a sluggish Mars that is causing all the fuss. These energies can make us even more conscious of our security needs which can cause fear for some. Of course if you become too involved with the madness of the fear mongers that pollute the air waves this energy will be heightened.
This is a wonderful time for self-examination as many issues that can remain hidden during easier times, are ripe for exploration now as Pluto demands that we dig deep into our core to become even more authentic and Saturn can give us the fortitude to do so. In this way, one can truly plumb the fertile darkness that may reveal hidden gifts if we are willing to take the time and effort to "get dirty".
On the lighter side of things, the Sun and Venus will be conjoined in Capricorn on Jan 8 with Mercury and Pluto occupying the same sign as well. Not exactly light because Saturn rules Capricorn. We can complain about the heaviness of the time or we can make heavy lemonade which can allow us to create sturdy structures that will in the long run give us a true and reliable security, this is Saturn's gift for those who are patient and not afraid to break a sweat.
Jan 13 will mark the beginning of Saturn's retro motion so we will get a chance to double check all of our decisions. Lots of changes mid month and managing to keep our balance will be interesting.
As if this wasn't enough intensity, the Annular Solar Eclipse in Capricorn occurs on Jan. 15 as Mercury comes out of retrograde.
Fortunately, sweet Venus is snuggling up to the Sun and Moon that are already quite cozy with each other making this a good time for romance.
The good news, is that all the energies that have been held back will flood forward and that can also be the bad news because if there has been a lot of frustration, which is likely on some fronts, angry words may also fly out of the box as well.
No doubt the whole Health Care Reform is being stymied by these regressive energies as well as fear mongering that has been hovering about the issue for a long time. With Saturn in the egalitarian sign of Libra, there is a strong need to make things FAIR and to some extent that can be most subjective and hence time consuming.
I must say, that I could think of several issues right off the top of my head that could be passed to institute a more egalitarian way of life like Marriage and the rights that offers for everyone who wants to be married, end DOMA, and Don't Ask Don't Tell and Equal Rights and Pay for everyone. What a fascinating experience that would be.
On Jan. 17 Jupiter will enter Pisces and finally separate all the way from its long time buddies Neptune and Chiron who will remain Siamese twins for this month as well.
Neptune periodically offers a rosy glow over these challenging times and it is crucial to balance these times of intensity with joy, pleasure, and light heartedness. Find the places and activities that help you to lighten up. In this way, you can find enjoyable and creative solutions for some of the tougher choices and changes we are encountering.
We will be defining what is truly important and ideally moving in that direction.
What are you made of and how do you want to move forward into this New Year, THE CHOICE IS YOURS, choose to use all of your options.
ARIES - What the hell! Mars moving backwards all month? I am just not having it. I need to move and action is my primary way of being in the world. I don't want to think too much about what i am doing that spoils my spontaneity which is like the air that I breathe. I want to speak to the management about this problem and.. I refuse to be tardy for the party.
TAURUS - Retro Mars, Saturn, no biggie with me. Slow and steady wins the race that's my way and a slower pace for me feels just right. Anything that is of value is worth waiting for and taking one's time that way you know what you are getting into or out of for that matter. And...sometimes slow can be absolutely delicious if you catch my drift.
GEMINI - Difficult times call for creative solutions and I have a dozen that I have been nurturing for the past week or so. The more challenges, the more I journal, blog and communicate. It helps me to stretch out my thoughts and look at all the options before me so that I do the right thing. I must admit, I do change my mind a bit but maybe the changes won;t come as fast for now.
CANCER - Everyone is so damned focused on their careers and making money. I have known all my life how to make something from nothing, how to stretch a meal or a budget. There's nothing more important than sitting around the table with friends and family and sharing a home cooked dinner or at least a good piping hot drink and pie. If you want to really feel at home and nurtured, c'mon over.
LEO - What a burn! Mars is in my sign all month but it doesn't want to go anywhere. I will have to really get very creative with all my energy and I know I can always do something. I just hope that somebody notices me because half of the reason that I create is to express myself but it can feel sort of empty if nobody sees me.
VIRGO - Leo, is there no end to your need for ego gratification?
Sometimes you have to do things that other people need to really make a difference.I still feel like I have a lot to accomplish and I look forward to the opportunities that the New Year offers. I know that I will be doing my part to push the envelope towards a more humane world.
LIBRA - I like the way you are thinking Virgo. My problem is that I have a hard time deciding which cause to throw my energy into so I wind up all over the place. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I was disinterested in their issues because one person's struggle is every one's struggle. One thing I do know is that equality needs to go all the way around.
SCORPIO -I like to really focus on one thing, one person, the deeper the better. How can you ever really know someone if you spill your energy everywhere. I am not always willing but true intimacy is my goal if I have to be honest. I am surprised that I am telling you all my secrets here but sometimes one must reveal to attract the one who can actually connect with enough depth to make it interesting.
SAGITTARIUS - "Don't ask me nothin' about nothin', 'cause I just might tell ya the truth." Uh huh with the tension lately my nerves are stretched to the limit so excuse me if I do not sugar coat but I really want to get to the bottom of things and then move along. I am tired of making excuses for everybody and leaving my needs unmet.I'm taking names.
CAPRICORN - I have to say that I am feeling right at home with all the Capricorn planets floating around me. I like to keep busy and have something to show for it at the end of the day . I am also willing to work long and hard to meet my responsibilities which are many but then I have the satisfaction to know it was done RIGHT! People respect me and they should because I respect myself and take pride in my accomplishments and that matters to me.
AQUARIUS - I am still feeling pulled by Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron which makes it hard to take a solid position on anything but Jupiter will be moving into Pisces so the overwhelm factor will not be so strong for a change. I do feel like I have gotten a better handle on parts of my personality that have literally been under construction these months. I like who is showing up these days.
PISCES - Oh Jupiter, you big old planet, I am so ready for your grand wisdom and style. It will be quite the contrast to having Saturn and its contracted ways dogging my every step so bring it, I AM READY! Haven't had nearly enough laughs and giggles and you are nothing if not humorous. Even if I have some tough lessons still , if I can have some humor to make the medicine go down that really works for me.
In case you haven’t noticed, this is not your Mama’s Astrological report. I deliberately let the signs talk right to you, giving them a voice that really tells it like it is!
I have endeavored to make it more gender neutral to speak to all sexual preferences and identities.
If you know your Rising sign, your personal reading will be more accurate if you read the passage for that sign as well as your Sun sign.
For deeper questions and readings of an Astrological or Psychic nature, feel free to call 352 475.2432 for an apt.or contact me through my website
Friday, December 25, 2009
January 2010 Lesbian Horoscopes
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4:19 PM
Labels: Flash Silvermoon, Lesbian Astrology, Lesbian Horoscopes
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